Supports & Resources
Mental Health Crisis and Emergency Support Services
If you, or someone you know, are in danger or thinking about harming yourself or others call TRIPLE ZERO (000) IMMEDIATELY.
Mental Health Helplines
1. Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636
Beyond Blue is for anyone feeling anxious or depressed. Provides 24/7 telephone support. Online chat and email services are also available.
2. Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800
Kids Helpline provides counselling for young people aged 5 to 25yrs. Provides 24/7 telephone support. Online chat and email services are also available. Support also offered to carers, parents, schools and teachers.
3. Lifeline - 13 11 14
Lifeline is for anyone having a personal crisis. Provides 24/7 telephone support. Online chat and SMS services are also available.
4. Mensline - 1300 78 99 78
Mensline helps men with emotional or relationship concerns. Provides 24/7 telephone support. Online chat and video chat also available.
5. Mental Health Emergency Response Line - 1800 676 822
Mental Health Emergency Response Line (MHERL) is a 24-hour telephone service for people in the Perth metropolitan area experiencing a mental health crisis. It provides contact with a trained mental health clinician who can provide: Mental health assessment; Crisis support, crisis planning and brief intervention; Mental health system navigation; Mental health information and advice; Referral to a mental health or emergency service when more than telephone support is required. The service aims to keep individuals safe during a mental health crisis by connecting them with appropriate support services. MHERL is available for: Individuals experiencing a mental health crisis who feel that they need urgent assistance; Families or carers of people with a mental illness; Members of the general public who witness a mental health crisis and need assistance; Health professionals; Community welfare service providers.
6. Open Arms - 1800 011 046
Open Arms offers counselling for veterans and their families. Provides 24/7 telephone support.
7. QLife - 1800 184 527
QLife provides anonymous and free LGBTI peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships. Provides 24/7 telephone support. Online chat also available.
8. Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467
Suicide Call Back Service is for anyone thinking about suicide. Also provides support for people who are worried about others, or for those that have lost people through suicide. Provides 24/7 telephone support. Online chat and video chat also available.
Mental Health Resources - Young People (16yrs+) and Adults
9. A Life of Happiness and Fulfilment
What are the determinants of a happy and fulfilling life? This is surely one of life’s biggest questions, and a question that has interested many of our ancestors. Until recently, if you wished for an answer to this question, you would've been forced to base it on discussions with spiritual leaders. Or, if you were lucky, you could've based it on late-night conversations with friends and family. Happily, all that has changed now. Over the past decade-and-a-half, scientists have gotten into the act big time. We now have a pretty good idea of what it takes to lead a happy and fulfilling life.
10. e-Couch
e-Couch is an online, self-directed training programme which provides interactive assessments, self-help and information to help people 16 years and older to understand and manage symptoms associated with common mental issues. e-Couch was originally developed and evaluated by researchers at The Australian National University - the same team that developed MoodGym, and is funded by The Department of Health. e-Couch offers five programs: Depression, Anxiety & Worry, Social Anxiety, Divorce & Separation and Loss & Bereavement. Each program includes a comprehensive information module, as well as self-help modules with interactive exercises and workbooks which teach evidence-based strategies.
11. Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life - Living For What Matters Most
In this 4 week course offered by The University of Michigan, you’ll learn how science, philosophy and practice all play a role in both finding your purpose and living a purposeful life. You will hear from historical figures and individuals about their journeys to finding and living a purposeful life, and will walk through different exercises to help you find out what matters most to you so you can live a purposeful life.
12. Headgear
Headgear is a easy-to-use smartphone app from The Black Dog Institute that guides people through a 30–day mental fitness challenge designed to build resilience and wellbeing and prevent things like depression and anxiety. Based on techniques scientifically proven to build good mental health, it features a range of simple engaging daily activities to help reduce and manage stress, improve sleep, connect better with friends and deal with difficult situations. HeadGear has been designed with a male audience in mind, however, is appropriate for anyone who wants to build good mental health, is aged 18 and above and can read English with ease. Ideally, people will commit to the program for the full 30-day challenge. Each online learning activity takes 5 – 10 minutes each day.
13. Headspace
If you’re a young person aged between 12-25 years, Headspace provides a range of services to improve your health and wellbeing. Each year, headspace helps thousands of young people access support through their 140 headspace centres across Australia or through online and telephone counselling services (available 7 days per week). Headspace services cover four core areas: mental health and wellbeing, physical and sexual health, work and study support, and alcohol and other drug services.
14. iBobbly
iBobbly is a social and emotional wellbeing self-help app provided by The Black Dog Institute for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples aged 15 years and over who are feeling sad and might be having thoughts of self-harm. The app offers assessments, personalised action plans and tools to help and other supports. Using iBobbly for just six weeks has been shown to reduce depression, distress and suicidal thinking.
15. Keys To Well-Being
Keys to Well-Being outlines the 10 building blocks of individual and community well-being, and provides practical advice on how to implement the behaviours that research suggests will support your health and happiness, and foster positive connections with other people. The topics covered in this extensive guide, developed by The Greater Good Science Centre (University of Berkeley, California, USA), range from altruism and compassion to happiness at work and social connection.
16. Mental Health Online
Mental Health Online provides on-line assessments and self-help 12-week courses to help adults with anxiety, depression, OCD, panic, PTSD and social anxiety. Therapy Assisted Programmes are available for those people that feel they need extra support through weekly emails and up to 4 live sessions via video or instant chat to help tailor the programmes, answer questions and provide additional support.
17. Mindfulness Coach
Mindfulness Coach was created by The US Department of Veterans Affairs National Centre for PTSD to help Veterans, Service members, and others learn how to practice mindfulness. The app provides a gradual, self-guided training program designed to help you understand and adopt a simple mindfulness practice. Mindfulness Coach also offers a library of information about mindfulness, 12 audio-guided mindfulness exercises, a growing catalog of additional exercises available for free download, goal-setting and tracking, a mindfulness mastery assessment to help you track your progress over time, customisable reminders, and access to other support and crisis resources.
18. Mindspot
Mindspot is a digital mental health clinic that provides free, anonymous assessment and online 8-week courses for adults experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD and chronic pain. Mindspot also provides online well-being courses for young and older adults. Mindspot is a government-funded non-for-profit mental health service with a team of experienced mental health professionals, including clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and mental health nurses.
19. MoodGym
Moodgym is an online self-help program, originally developed and evaluated by researchers at The Australian National University and is funded by The Department of Health. Moodgym is like an interactive self-help book, consisting of 5 modules, which helps people to learn and practise skills which can help to prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. Moodgym is designed to be used by people 16 years and over who would like to prevent mental health problems or manage problems which are troubling but not incapacitating.
20. myCompass
myCompass is a personalised self-help tool provided by The Black Dog Institute. The programme helps people to learn new ways to deal with thoughts, feelings and behaviours that cause trouble. People have access to a tool-kit of effective strategies learnt through interactive activities. Best results are seen with active use for a minimum of seven weeks.
21. Smiling Mind
Smiling Mind is a non-for-profit web and app-based meditation program developed by psychologists and educators to help bring mindfulness into people’s lives. Dedicated programmes for children (7yrs+), adults, families, schools and workplaces. sleep, stress, attention/focus, well-being, relationships, performance, sport.
22. Therapeutic Lifestyle Change
The lifestyle of the average person today is quite different than that of our ancestors. Those living before the 20th century did not have the luxury of many of the innovations we have today. People’s days were active and spent outdoors, hunting, farming, building, and traveling. Communities were small and tightly knit. Sleep was more regular and diets were quite different.
While our lifestyles have changed dramatically over the last few centuries, the evolution of our bodies has not kept up. Our bodies were designed to live the lifestyle our ancestors lived, with a balanced diet, as well as plenty of exercise, sunlight, sleep, and social support. Dr. Ilardi developed the TLC approach based on increasing evidence of the mismatch between our modern environment and the environment our bodies were designed to live in. The elements of TLC can serve to combat this mismatch, thus helping to protect against a medley of mental and physical illnesses, including depression.
23. The Science of Happiness
An online course that explores the roots of a happy and meaningful life. This eight-week course explores the roots of a happy and meaningful life through science and practice. Participants engage with some of the most provocative and practical lessons from the latest research, discovering how cutting-edge research can be applied to their own lives. The course is divided into eight one-week segments with a mid-term break, although participants have six months to complete the material at their own pace if they wish.
24. The Science of Well-Being
In this 4 week course offered by Yale University you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life.
25. This Way Up (TWU)
TWU provide a range of self-paced online courses that teach clinically-proven strategies to help improve the way you feel. TWU is run by clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, researchers, and web technicians based at the Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression (CRUfAD) – a joint facility of St Vincent’s Hospital and the University of New South Wales. People can enrol in free online well-being courses and/or more in-depth mental health courses (eg. depression, mixed anxiety & depression etc). Patients can choose to access these in-depth mental health courses either via Self-Help (which carries a small fee) or free through a Prescription (usually from a GP or Psychologist).
26. UCLA Mindful App
This easy-to-use app, developed by The University of California (USA) Mindful Awareness Research Centre, is designed to help people practice mindfulness meditation. Research shows that regular mindfulness meditation can help people with problems such as anxiety, depression and chronic pain. The app provides basic meditations to help get people started and more in-depth wellness programmes.
Mental Health Resources - Children (12yrs+) and Young People
27. Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue provides information and support to help children (12yrs+) and adults in Australia achieve their best possible mental health. Beyond Blue provides 24hr telephone, chat and email support with counsellors, and also offers on-line forums where people can connect to others who are going through similar experiences.
28. Bite Back
BITE BACK is a free, self-guided online wellbeing and resilience program for young people aged 13 to 16 years old. It uses a combination of fun, interactive activities, quizzes, animations and information across nine positive psychology domains including gratitude, optimism, flow, meaning, hope, mindfulness, character strengths, healthy lifestyle, and positive relationships.
29. eQuoo, The Next Generation
The eQuoo app uses adventure games designed by psychologists to help increase emotional fitness and teach new psychological skills for children from 12 yrs+. This game, approved by The NHS (UK) helps children to build resilience, improve communication skills, and reduce anxiety.
30. Headspace
Headspace provides a range of services to improve the health and wellbeing of young people aged between 12 to 25 years old. Headspace provides support through their 140 headspace centres across Australia or through online and telephone counselling services (available 7 days per week). Services cover four core areas: mental health and wellbeing, physical and sexual health, work and study support, and alcohol and other drug services.
31. Kidshelpine
Kids Helpline provides free 24/7, confidential and private counselling services specifically for children and young people aged 5 to 25 years, available either through telephone, live chat or email support. The service also provides help and support for parents and teachers, as well as access to a large number of recommended free apps that “you’ll wanna know all about”
32. Mindshift
MindShift is a mobile app designed to help children (12 yrs+) and young adults cope with anxiety, by acting as a portable coach that guides users through challenging situations. Designed in collaboration with Anxiety Canada, this app teaches users how to relax and helps them identify active steps to directly face and take charge of their anxiety. The app includes strategies to deal with every day anxiety, as well as specific tools to tackle problems such as perfectionism, performance anxiety, social anxiety and test anxiety. The goal is to help young people learn and practice anxiety coping skills.
33. MoodGym
Moodgym is an online self-help program, originally developed and evaluated by researchers at The Australian National University and is funded by The Department of Health. Moodgym is like an interactive self-help book, consisting of 5 modules, which helps people to learn and practise skills which can help to prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. Moodgym is designed to be used by people 16 years and over who would like to prevent mental health problems or manage problems which are troubling but not incapacitating.
34. ReachOut
ReachOut is the most accessed online mental health service for young people and their parents in Australia. ReachOut is built with young people for young people and provides trusted information, self-help, peer support and pathways to other services to help support the mental health and well-being for those aged between 12 to 25 years. ReachOut also provides help and support for parents and teachers, as well as access to a large number of recommended free apps.
35. Smiling Mind
Smiling Mind is a non-for-profit web and app-based meditation program developed by psychologists and educators to help bring mindfulness into people’s lives. Dedicated programmes for children (7yrs+), adults, families, schools and workplaces. sleep, stress, attention/focus, well-being, relationships, performance, sport.
36. The Brave Program
The BRAVE Program is an interactive, online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. The programmes are free, and provide targeted help and advice for young children (3-7yrs), children (8-12yrs) and teenagers (12-17yrs) to better cope with their worries.
Mental Health Resources - Children (4 yrs+)
37. Breathe, Think and Do
Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame is designed for parents to use with their child (4 yrs+) to help them learn to deal with frustrating situations by teaching skills such as problem solving, self-control, planning, and task persistence. In this interactive game, users help a monster solve a number of challenges by helping him learn the skills “Breathe, Think & Do”. Users progress through different levels and activities in which the monster faces different challenges, for example putting on his shoes, or going to school. Users help the monster take deep breaths, think about a plan, and choose from a number of different ways to cope with the problem. Breathe, Think Do with Sesame offers a parent section providing tips for self-soothing and breathing exercises.
38. Chill Panda
Chill Panda uses breathing techniques to help children (aged 4yrs+) relax more, worry less and feel better overall, by measuring their heart rate and suggesting tasks to suit their state of mind. Chill Panda is approved by The NHS (UK). Tasks include simple breathing techniques and gentle exercises.
39. Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline provides free 24/7, confidential and private counselling services specifically for children and young people aged 5 to 25 years, available either through telephone, live chat or email support. The service also provides help and support for parents and teachers, as well as access to a large number of recommended free apps that “you’ll wanna know all about”
40. Smiling Mind
Smiling Mind is a non-for-profit web and app-based meditation program developed by psychologists and educators to help bring mindfulness into people’s lives. Dedicated programmes for children (7yrs+), adults, families, schools and workplaces. sleep, stress, attention/focus, well-being, relationships, performance, sport.
41. The Brave Program
The BRAVE Program is an interactive, online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. The programmes are free, and provide targeted help and advice for young children (3-7yrs), children (8-12yrs) and teenagers (12-17yrs) to better cope with their worries.
Recommended Resources - Chronic Pain
42. Curable
Curable is an online programme and app designed to help people with chronic pain. Curable helps people with pain identify and address the “missing pieces” that can be excluded from treatment plans, including the role of the brain and the nervous system. The Curable programme guides users through engaging audio lessons about modern pain science and teaches them how to apply a wide range of science-backed techniques to reduce their symptoms.
43. Graded Motor Imagery
Graded Motor Imagery (GMI) is a structured, evidence-based, 3-stage rehabilitation program that uses targeted brain-based exercises to help “re-wire” the brain that can help to reduce pain and movement problems, based on the latest science and clinical trials – to treat many complex pain, and movement problems.
44. Guided Imagery For Pain Relief
This is a particularly helpful guided visualisation exercise to help people with chronic pain.
45. Mindfulness Coach
Mindfulness Coach was created by The US Department of Veterans Affairs National Centre for PTSD to help Veterans, Service members, and others learn how to practice mindfulness. The app provides a gradual, self-guided training program designed to help you understand and adopt a simple mindfulness practice. Mindfulness Coach also offers a library of information about mindfulness, 12 audio-guided mindfulness exercises, a growing catalog of additional exercises available for free download, goal-setting and tracking, a mindfulness mastery assessment to help you track your progress over time, customisable reminders, and access to other support and crisis resources.
46. Mindspot
Mindspot is a digital mental health clinic that provides free, anonymous assessment and online 8-week courses for adults experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD and chronic pain. Mindspot also provides online well-being courses for young and older adults. Mindspot is a government-funded non-for-profit mental health service led by a team of experienced mental health professionals, including clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and mental health nurses.
47. This Way Up (TWU)
TWU provide a range of self-paced online courses that teach clinically-proven strategies to help improve the way you feel. TWU is run by clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, researchers, and web technicians based at the Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression (CRUfAD) – a joint facility of St Vincent’s Hospital and the University of New South Wales. People can enrol in free online well-being courses and/or more in-depth courses (eg. chronic pain, depression, mixed anxiety & depression etc). Patients can choose to access these in-depth courses either via Self-Help (which carries a small fee) or free through a Prescription (usually from a GP or Psychologist).
48. UCLA Mindful App
This easy-to-use app, developed by The University of California (USA) Mindful Awareness Research Centre, is designed to help people practice mindfulness meditation. Research shows that regular mindfulness meditation can help people with problems such as anxiety, depression and chronic pain. The app provides basic meditations to help get people started and more in-depth wellness programmes including Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Body Scan meditations to help people with chronic pain conditions.
Resources - For Parents of Autistic Children
49. Amazing Skills
Amazing Skills provide training programmes to help build social skills for young children, teenagers and adults with ASD. Programmes include (but are not limited to: Art Friendship, Friendship and Playground Skills, Minecraft Teamwork and Secret Agent to list just a few.
50. A List Hub
“This is the place where young autistic and neurodivergent people can search for autism friendly activities and connect with like-minded people with similar interests. You can also find resources and videos to help you reach your social goals. Try a new hobby or explore your interests further. Connect with a peer mentor. Find your passion. Build your skills. Be social your way.”
51. Autism in Cricket
The Autism in Cricket program is for everyone who is passionate about inclusion in sport. The program is designed to break down barriers to participation and support individuals with Autism to get involved in their local cricket club. The team at the Autism Association are here to support you to join and be a player in your local club or to become a part of your club community in other roles.
52. Autism Swim
Autism Swim are the international peak body for inclusive aquatics. They specialise in wandering and drowning prevention for those on the autism spectrum and with any specific learning needs.
53. Ocean Heroes
“Learning to surf offers a fun, healthy, and unique way for people on the Autism spectrum to develop their confidence, boost self-esteem and make connections with others. We provide a unique opportunity for people on the Autism spectrum to take part in organised sport backed by a highly supported, safe and inclusive environment. By running free events and one-on-one surfing experiences, we offer the Autism community the chance to experience the thrill of riding a wave!”
54. Unigym
Running for 40 years, Unigym is a movement program for children who have difficulty learning and performing fundamental movement skills at an age appropriate level. The program is designed for children who have motor learning difficulties, such as children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (Motor Dyspraxia), Global Developmental Delay, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down’s Syndrome, and other developmental conditions.
Resources - For All Parents
55. Raising Children Network
Reliable & evidence-based information and resources to support parents in raising children.
56. Triple P Parenting Course
“Triple P is the parenting program that helps make raising kids easier. It gives you tips and ideas to help raise happy and confident kids; see more of the behaviours you like and less of the ones you don’t; and have better relationships with your family.”
57. Tuning into Kids Courses
“Tuning in to Kids is a suite of globally recognised evidence-based parenting programs. The courses teach parents and carers skills in emotion coaching - Emotion coaching is a way of responding to emotions that can help children to understand, regulate and work through their emotions so that they manage their behaviour and respond in socially appropriate ways. In particular, the program teaches parents to notice children’s emotions, especially before emotions have become overwhelming for the child.”