Get Started
3 Easy Steps To Get Started
Step 1.
Initial Consultation
Your Initial Consultation, conducted by Video Telehealth, is an “information-gathering exercise” where we take a detailed history and discuss your health priorities.
You are welcome to book your Initial Consultation online using the form below or to telephone our Reception Team on (08) 65003277 to get started.
VERY IMPORTANT: Perth Brain Centre does not provide emergency mental health treatment.
If you are considering harming yourself or others please call Triple Zero (000) immediately.
Step 2.
QEEG Brain Scan
During this in-clinic appointment, we conduct your QEEG Brain Scan. This safe and non-invasive test measures your brain activity.
Step 3.
Results & Recommendations
During this appointment, conducted by Video Telehealth, Daniel Lane (Clinic Director) explains your QEEG Brain Scan results and outlines the recommendations for care.