ADHD and Learning Disorders – A New Approach
All parents want the best for their children and know how important it is for them to be happy and to do well at school.
The core symptoms of inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsivity can have a severe impact on all aspects of life for the child and the whole family. Studies also show that most children with ADHD will continue to experience problems into adulthood.
In the past, treatment for ADHD has been limited to medication. However, now it is generally accepted that the most effective treatment for ADHD should be ‘patient-centred’ and involve a range of interventions. Treatments that have been proven to be effective include behavioural therapy, psycho-education, lifestyle and diet changes and Neurofeedback Therapy (brainwave training). There is no “one-size fits all approach” and families should be able to make an informed choice based upon the range of treatments now available.
“10% of children have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).”
The Perth Brain Centre has been helping children with ADHD and their families for 10 years. Neurofeedback is suitable for people of almost all ages and can also be helpful in other conditions such as anxiety, depression, headaches and migraines.